· Project · 2 min read
Kick-off Meeting
On October, 27, the DIGI-Teens project had its kick-off meeting at Politecnico di Torino.
To kick-start the activities related to the project, the two teams from the involved universities (Politecnico di Torino and the University of Bologna) decided to have an in-person meeting at Politecnico di Torino. It was planned to be a full-day meeting.
The goal of the meeting was to discuss some pieces of background information needed by both partners and revise the operative plan according to the smaller budget we were assigned.
We followed this agenda, which allowed us to discover multiple points of contact in the various activities carried out by the two teams outside of this project, which will be beneficial to completing the project.
09:00 - Welcome and agenda
09:30 - Project description
The project team wasn’t entirely aware of all the details and the received evaluations for the project. We used this half an hour to get all on the same page.
10:00 - Background: Digital Wellbeing @ Politecnico di Torino
Alberto Monge Roffarello (Politecnico di Torino) presented an overview of digital wellbeing including some activities carried out during the last years. A discussion followed.
11:00 - Coffee break
11:30 - Background: Gamification & Citizen Science @ University of Bologna
Chiara Ceccarini (University of Bologna) presented an overview of gamification and activities carried out during the last few years, especially those involving high school students and teachers. A discussion followed.
12:30 - Lunch
14:00 - Changes to the project
We discussed the received evaluations, the reduction in the budget, and how to update the project activities and plans accordingly.
14:30 - Next steps
We discussed how and when to recruit participants for the first activities and how to split the work for those. In addition, we talked about dissemination activities, including a workshop, and recruiting some people to help with the project.
15:30 - Coffee break
16:00 - Tools for managing the project team and activities
Among the tools, we decided to create a private Telegram group to streamline the conversations, a website (this one, where you are reading these updates), and to work as much as possible in an asynchronous way via Google Drive.
We concluded the meeting by scheduling the following (online) meeting, taking the picture above, and saying ‘hello’ to the University of Bologna team. To the next time!